Corporate Crime and Internal Audits

derecho fiscal

We advise on all aspects of corporate criminal law in a position of defence or private prosecution in all types of criminal proceedings, at any stage and before any of the competent judicial bodies, including, if necessary, appeals in cassation and appeals for protection before the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court.

We advise, among other things, on criminal proceedings, such as:

Tax offences

Corporate offences


Insolvency offences

Money laundering crimes


Market and consumer-related crimes


Offences against Social Security

Offences against workers´ rights

European arrest warrants

We advise companies/boards of directors on the design and implementation of compliance programmes, or we draw up and assist in the implementation of such a crime prevention plan so that, where appropriate, the company and its directors can safeguard themselves against potential criminal liability. We also advise on managing reporting channels and assisting the Corporate Compliance Officer.


Corporate Crime
and Internal Audits

We advise on all aspects of corporate criminal
law in a position of defence or private prosecution
in all types of criminal proceedings, at any stage
and before any of the competent judicial bodies,
including, if necessary, appeals in cassation and
appeals for protection before the Supreme Court
and the Constitutional Court.

We advise, among other things, on criminal proceedings, such as:

Tax offences

Corporate offences


Insolvency offences

Money laundering crimes


Market and consumer-related crimes


Offences against Social Security

Offences against workers´ rights

European arrest warrants

We advise companies/boards of directors on the design and implementation
of compliance programmes, or we draw up and assist in the implementation
of such a crime prevention plan so that, where appropriate, the company
and its directors can safeguard themselves against potential criminal
liability. We also advise on managing reporting channels and assisting
the Corporate Compliance Officer.