Álvaro Escobar
Partner | Tax

Master’s Degree in Tax Consultancy from the Centro de Estudios Financieros.
Advanced course in Tax Law and Procedures from the Centro de Estudios Financieros.
Degree in Law from the Complutense University (Madrid).
International HR mobility and individuals
Transfer pricing
Tax compliance
Tax Audits.
A practising lawyer since 1999, he has devoted his entire professional career to providing tax advice to companies and their executives, and family estates.
He has participated in transfer pricing policy and has drafted the documentation of the group and the tax payer, and has reached various prior agreements with the Administration on the valuation of transactions between related persons or entities.
He has advised Spanish and multinational companies on international mobility, annually and continuously advising more than 100 employees and executives travelling to Spain from abroad, as well as those travelling abroad from Spain.
He has taken part in designing, implementing and monitoring remuneration plans, as well as in the design and preparation of action plans, monitoring and adapting them to any legal changes that there are.
He has participated in several transactions involving the purchase of companies or groups of companies, sometimes advising the buyer and sometimes the seller, carrying out Due Diligence.
He has vast experience in providing tax advice to groups of companies engaged in very different sectors of activity, both in cases of individual taxation and in those that apply the special tax consolidation regime.
He has designed the strategy to be followed and attended appearances during audits carried out by the Tax Inspectorate in cases of individuals and entities with complex contingencies (transfer pricing, business restructuring, international operations) and for amounts of millions of euros, challenging tax assessments and the penalties arising therefrom.
He has published several articles in the specialised press on economic and tax matters.
Working languages: Spanish and English
Álvaro Escobar advises on international mobility, individuals and transfer pricing, as well as defending the interests of his clients in administrative litigation before the Courts.
Some examples of his expertise are:
- Writing and designing the transfer pricing policy and preparation of documentation for the Group and tax obligations for groups with a turnover of up to 15,000,000,000 euros.
- Advice and accompaniment in international mobility to national and international companies with inpatriate and expatriate executives and employees, analysing the incidence of Agreements to avoid International Double Taxation and the correct application of the special tax regime applicable to workers moving to Spanish territory and the exemption for working abroad.
- Design, implementation, and monitoring of compensation plans in companies with up to 18,000 employees, and design, preparation and monitoring of compensation policies, based on action plans.
- Design of the strategy to follow and appearances in the course of verification by the Tax Inspectorate in cases of individuals and entities with complex contingencies (transfer pricing, business restructuring, international operations) and for amounts of millions of euros, with a high degree of signing in compliance with these actions by the Tax Office.
- Complete tax advice in acquisitions, both for buyers and sellers.
- Drafting of accounting, tax and commercial Due Diligence in acquisitions or restructuring operations.
- Advice to a great number of groups covered by the special tax consolidation regime.
- Challenging tax settlements and sanctions arising from tax audits as well as other administrative acts issued by the tax authorities, including the Supreme and Constitutional Court.
- Restructuring of different national and international groups
Álvaro Escobar
Partner | Tax

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Master’s Degree in Tax Consultancy from the Centro de Estudios Financieros.
Advanced course in Tax Law and Procedures from the Centro de Estudios Financieros.
Degree in Law from the Complutense University (Madrid).
International HR mobility and individuals
Transfer pricing
Tax compliance
Tax Audits.
A practising lawyer since 1999, he has devoted his entire professional career to providing tax advice to companies and their executives, and family estates.
He has participated in transfer pricing policy and has drafted the documentation of the group and the tax payer, and has reached various prior agreements with the Administration on the valuation of transactions between related persons or entities.
He has advised Spanish and multinational companies on international mobility, annually and continuously advising more than 100 employees and executives travelling to Spain from abroad, as well as those travelling abroad from Spain.
He has taken part in designing, implementing and monitoring remuneration plans, as well as in the design and preparation of action plans, monitoring and adapting them to any legal changes that there are.
He has participated in several transactions involving the purchase of companies or groups of companies, sometimes advising the buyer and sometimes the seller, carrying out Due Diligence.
He has vast experience in providing tax advice to groups of companies engaged in very different sectors of activity, both in cases of individual taxation and in those that apply the special tax consolidation regime.
He has designed the strategy to be followed and attended appearances during audits carried out by the Tax Inspectorate in cases of individuals and entities with complex contingencies (transfer pricing, business restructuring, international operations) and for amounts of millions of euros, challenging tax assessments and the penalties arising therefrom.
He has published several articles in the specialised press on economic and tax matters.
Working languages: Spanish and English
Álvaro Escobar advises on international mobility, individuals and transfer pricing, as well as defending the interests of his clients in administrative litigation before the Courts.
Some examples of his expertise are:
- Writing and designing the transfer pricing policy and preparation of documentation for the Group and tax obligations for groups with a turnover of up to 15,000,000,000 euros.
- Advice and accompaniment in international mobility to national and international companies with inpatriate and expatriate executives and employees, analysing the incidence of Agreements to avoid International Double Taxation and the correct application of the special tax regime applicable to workers moving to Spanish territory and the exemption for working abroad.
- Design, implementation, and monitoring of compensation plans in companies with up to 18,000 employees, and design, preparation and monitoring of compensation policies, based on action plans.
- Design of the strategy to follow and appearances in the course of verification by the Tax Inspectorate in cases of individuals and entities with complex contingencies (transfer pricing, business restructuring, international operations) and for amounts of millions of euros, with a high degree of signing in compliance with these actions by the Tax Office.
- Complete tax advice in acquisitions, both for buyers and sellers.
- Drafting of accounting, tax and commercial Due Diligence in acquisitions or restructuring operations.
- Advice to a great number of groups covered by the special tax consolidation regime.
- Challenging tax settlements and sanctions arising from tax audits as well as other administrative acts issued by the tax authorities, including the Supreme and Constitutional Court.
- Restructuring of different national and international groups
Álvaro Escobar
Partner | Tax

Master’s Degree in Tax Consultancy from the Centro de Estudios Financieros.
Advanced course in Tax Law and Procedures from the Centro de Estudios Financieros.
Degree in Law from the Complutense University (Madrid).
International HR mobility and individuals
Transfer pricing
Tax compliance
Tax Audits.
A practising lawyer since 1999, he has devoted his entire professional career to providing tax advice to companies and their executives, and family estates.
He has participated in transfer pricing policy and has drafted the documentation of the group and the tax payer, and has reached various prior agreements with the Administration on the valuation of transactions between related persons or entities.
He has advised Spanish and multinational companies on international mobility, annually and continuously advising more than 100 employees and executives travelling to Spain from abroad, as well as those travelling abroad from Spain.
He has taken part in designing, implementing and monitoring remuneration plans, as well as in the design and preparation of action plans, monitoring and adapting them to any legal changes that there are.
He has participated in several transactions involving the purchase of companies or groups of companies, sometimes advising the buyer and sometimes the seller, carrying out Due Diligence.
He has vast experience in providing tax advice to groups of companies engaged in very different sectors of activity, both in cases of individual taxation and in those that apply the special tax consolidation regime.
He has designed the strategy to be followed and attended appearances during audits carried out by the Tax Inspectorate in cases of individuals and entities with complex contingencies (transfer pricing, business restructuring, international operations) and for amounts of millions of euros, challenging tax assessments and the penalties arising therefrom.
He has published several articles in the specialised press on economic and tax matters.
Working languages: Spanish and English
Álvaro Escobar advises on international mobility, individuals and transfer pricing, as well as defending the interests of his clients in administrative litigation before the Courts.
Some examples of his expertise are:
- Writing and designing the transfer pricing policy and preparation of documentation for the Group and tax obligations for groups with a turnover of up to 15,000,000,000 euros.
- Advice and accompaniment in international mobility to national and international companies with inpatriate and expatriate executives and employees, analysing the incidence of Agreements to avoid International Double Taxation and the correct application of the special tax regime applicable to workers moving to Spanish territory and the exemption for working abroad.
- Design, implementation, and monitoring of compensation plans in companies with up to 18,000 employees, and design, preparation and monitoring of compensation policies, based on action plans.
- Design of the strategy to follow and appearances in the course of verification by the Tax Inspectorate in cases of individuals and entities with complex contingencies (transfer pricing, business restructuring, international operations) and for amounts of millions of euros, with a high degree of signing in compliance with these actions by the Tax Office.
- Complete tax advice in acquisitions, both for buyers and sellers.
- Drafting of accounting, tax and commercial Due Diligence in acquisitions or restructuring operations.
- Advice to a great number of groups covered by the special tax consolidation regime.
- Challenging tax settlements and sanctions arising from tax audits as well as other administrative acts issued by the tax authorities, including the Supreme and Constitutional Court.
- Restructuring of different national and international groups